身元保証~保証責任の範囲は? Guaranteeing the employee and its risk.











→ 裁判所では、だいたい1/4~1/2程度の責任を身元保証人に負わせることが多いらしい。


Company "X" hired "A", but A got aressted after 2 months.
X had prepaid transportation cost for half year which add up to 500,000 yen.
X wants A to return the rest of the transportation cost, but A has no money left.
Therefore, X decided to claim "Y", who signed to "Mimoto-Hoshou-Sho" when A was hired by X, to pay the rest of the transportation cost.
Does Y have to pay it to X?


[What is Mimoto-Hoshou-Sho?]
"Mimoto-Hoshou-Sho" is a kind of letter of guarantee signed by somebody other than employee.

Japanese employer often asks employee to prepare it before start working.


There are two types of guarantee;
1. guaranteeing the correctness of the employee's birth, history, or career.
2. guaranteeing that the third party will be liable for indemnity if damage has occurred to the company by the employee's own intention or error.


- According to the judicial precedent, if the second point above is not written on the paper, it is hard for the complany to claim damages to the third party.
- The validity period of Mimoto-Hoshou-Sho is 3-years in principle (Maximum is 5 years.).
- The provision stating the automatice updating of the validity period is invalid.


[How much does the thirdy party must guartantee?]
According to Japanese law, the court will decide the percentage of damages that the third party must guarantee by considering the employer's error, the reason why the third party guaranteed, the employee's job, etc.


It is said that Japanese court tend to let the third party guarantee 25% to 50% of damages.

英会話教室を開くときの法規制(part1 特定商取引法) Regulation related to opening a English speaking class (part1)

Q.英会話教室を開こうと思っているが、どのような法規制に注意する必要があるか?(Part1 特定商取引法

 I'm interested in opening an English speaking class in Tokyo.  What kind of regulation must I follow? (Part1)







★ 書面交付義務
 ⑴ 契約を締結するまでに契約の概要を記載した「概要書面」を交付しなければならない。
 ⑵ 契約締結時に契約内容を記載した「契約書面」を交付しなければならない。






First, if your English speaking class satisfies the following conditions, then you must follow a law called "Tokutei-Shou-Torihiki" Law.


① Offering service more than 2 months

② Fee of the service costs more than 50,000yen


Second, if you have to follow "Tokutei-Shou-Torihiki" Law, you must follow various regulations.

According to my experience, preparing and issuing the "documents" is the most important.


★ Obligation to issue the documents below:

 ⑴  a document explaining an outline of the contract; this must be issued before going into the contract.

 ⑵ a document explaing all of the contract; this must be issued when making the contract.


Both documents above have necessities which are listed in "Tokutei-Shou-Torihiki" Law.

If there is a lack in documents, a student may release the contract by claiming "Cooling-Off", and you must return all payment you have received including the fee of lessons which have already offered.


The regulation of "Tokutei-Shou-Torihiki" Law is very hard to understand, so I reccomend you to ask an attorney.

試用期間中の解雇又は本採用拒否 Dismissal during the trial period













Issue : Dismissal during the trial period


Question :

Is it easier to dismiss an employee during the trial period than after the trial period?


Answer :

Even during the trial period, employment-contract is formed between the employer and the employee.


Therefore, according to the Japanese law, in order to dismiss the employee during the trial period "rational reason" and "equivalent to common-sensicality" is needed.

It is said that it is a little easier to dismiss an employee during the trial period than after the trial period, but there is no clear standard.

So that, careful judgement of whether the requirements above are met or not is needed when dismissing the employee during the trial period.

The same thing can be said when refusing the hire of employee after the trial period.